Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Bridge Too Far...

A bridge too far... Brian Kescenovitz (mondayn00dle) posted this suspenseful and powerful scene captured by some wonderful photography. The mecha looks really elegant and incredibly built, and the posing of the ninja and the mecha are perfect.


  1. Hey dude, I don't want to crap on your parade, but Isn't this what effectively, say, the Brothers-Brick are doing?
    Not that I don't support you for what you're doing, I know I couldn't.

    1. I try not to blog anything TBB does, so there is a difference. But essentially, this is doing the same kind of thing as TBB and countless other blogs. Finding cool creations and sharing them. :)

  2. I'm glad you brought this up! I will also share Techniques in the future.
